Plant Name:  Aloe Vera

Botanical Name:  Aloe barbadensis

Native Name:  Unknown.

Height/Physical Description:  2.5 to 3 feet in height and 2.5 feet wide.  Gray-green leaves with yellow flowers on 1.5-foot stalks blooming in Spring and Summer.

Use:  Medicinal:  used to treat burns, insect bites, inflammation and skin care.  This is one of the original plants placed in the garden when it was first called our Southwestern Wild Edible Garden.  It is not on the Tribal list and it is unknown whether it was used by our local tribes.

Harvesting:  In Spring when the leaves are fat, harvest the lower leaves at the base of the leaf.

Preparation:  The leaves are filleted (skin removed) leaving the clear gelatin which is the useful part.