Plant Name:  Ferocactus (Fish Hook Cactus)

Botanical Name:  Ferocactus wislizenii

Native Name:  
Possibly referred to as Kupash as it is a type of barrel cactus.

 This is one of the original plants placed in the garden when it was first called our Southwestern Wild Edible Garden.  It is not on the Tribal list and it is unknown whether it was used by our local tribes.

Height/Physical Description
:  Grows slowly to height of 6 feet and 3 feet wide.  Dark green body, cylindrical ball at the beginning then growing in a column.  Body is covered with hooked, red stiff, sharp thorns.

Food and tools.  Food:  The showy red/pink flowers bloom in the Spring and form edible fruits.  Tools:  hooks and sewing needle.

:  When the flowers have formed fruit and the flower withers, they can be removed.

 After removing the spines, the fruit can be eaten raw or dried and ground into meal.  The black seeds inside are a good protein source.